Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanksgiving 2008

So here we are again. I've always thought that Thanksgiving is a time when I could figure out how my year has gone. The holidays stop and start the year, I like to spend this time with family and decide if I like how things went. 

This has been a year when I learned that my life was going to change, Will is getting ready to really change how we look at our life. His leaving for school really turns us into those old adults that have children, but they don't live with them. I'm looking forward to the next two months, but I think it's going to be an interesting time.

We're going to be supportive and try, but we'll have to see how it turns out. In the mean time, we're going to celebrate the news that me being sick doesn't mean that it couldn't be worse, that we have a roof over our heads (and we aren't in any danger of loosing our home either), that we have plenty of food, and that most importantly, we have a family that loves and supports each other.

I'm excited for a new year and what it is going to bring. Happy Thanksgiving All.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Four Seasons in California

Many people that don't live in California tell me that we don't have seasons. I smile at them and tell them we certainly do, they are just different. In California we have Flood, Fire, Earth Quake and Riot Season. What you thought I was going to argue that our five degree (fahrenheit) temperature shift between July and November constitutes a seasonal change like I had on my mission in Pennsylvania?

This has been an interest seasonal time these past two weeks. This is the year that we in California voted to define marriage as being between a man and a woman. You'd think our opponents would understand this. The riots we had in Santa Monica (yes right in front of the temple), and all the hate that many have experienced gears up. We are also having problems with wildfires in both Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo Counties. 

I'm amazed that this has been such a heated item. You know, if all the adult members of the Church voted for the proposition, it would add up to about 1.5% of the voters. Yet we're the group that hate crimes are being committed against, and nobody seems to care. Many people are claiming we are the ones that hate. Yet we're not the ones that are forcing places of worship to close (many of the temples in California have had problems this week). 

I'm sure things are going to settle down. I'm just ready for it to happen now. We'll have to wait and see.